Employee Access And Resources

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    Our priority as employers is that you feel happy in your workplace and with your coworkers. Fill the form below if you need to report a problem or a complaint.

      Resources for GDI Employees Only

      Employee of the Month Form / Empleado del Mes Formulario

      Download Here English |  Descargar Aquí en Español

      Or Fill out the Form Online

      Keys to Excellence Nomination Form
      The Keys to Excellence program provides monthly recognition of GDI Technology Inc Staff member who demonstrates:
      • A positive attitude toward work responsibilities, co-workers, and customers, and serves as a role model for others.
      • Commitment to quality in carrying out job responsibilities above and beyond the call of duty, and is an asset to GDI Technology Inc.
      • A willingness to exercise servant-leadership, take initiative, and accept and carry out additional responsibilities beyond regular job assignments for the good of the campus community as a whole.
      • Demonstrates recent extraordinary act(s) for which the member is nominated.

      Candidates  for the award must meet the following criteria:

      • Nominee must be a full-time, part-time Professional/Technical or Support Staff employee of Gdi Technology Inc.
      • Must have been employed for at least one (1) year at GDI.
      • Can be employed at any of GDI physical locations.
      • Has not been selected as Employee of the Month within the past twelve (12) months.
      • Has a positive attitude toward work responsibilities, co-workers, and customers, and serves as a role model for others.
      • Is willing to take initiative, and accepts and carries out additional responsibilities beyond regular job assignments.


        Name of the person



        Nominated by

        Your Name

        Your Email


        Your Location

        Briefly describe how this nominee represents the spirit of the “Keys to Excellence” award.
        Please give specific examples using the following criteria:

        How does the candidate enhance the GDI Technology Inc through their service & contribution in
        their position?

        Involvement and Service

        Describe the nominee’s commitment to quality, initiative & professional growth.
        Please give specific examples.
        Commitment to Quality

        Additional information or Comments

